My New Gear is a rock band comprised of members withdiverse backgrounds hailing from Japan, the England, and Italy.
They are up-and-coming artists, with even a game designeramong them. Their music has garnered support from a widerange of music enthusiasts. Although the band has been activefor only a short period, their talented members and uniquemusical style suggest that they may release new material fasterthan a new game.
My New Gear is on a quest to explore new possibilities in musicby fusing progressive rock and hard rock."

JM favorite PRS
Pete Cornish SS3
Pete Cornish G2
LAA Custom Italian Wah
LAA Custom G Fuzz
LAA Custom Fxxk Jazz OD
smoggy OD
Klon ktr
Dumbloid 335/ODS
ADA Flanger
Strymon Volante
RogerMayer Voodoo Vibe+
UA Golden Revorbrator
Strymon iridium
KHAN AUDIO Single chan
Pedal Power2+
Pedal Power3+
Luix HyperMuff
MNG Consist are
JOn Makishu(pf,G)
TIM Rock(Vo,G)
Ben Desker(Vo,G)
Pete Smith(syn,Ba)
Roger ODD(Drums)
Fxxk Coge(Machine)
JM favorite Gear
Steinberg Nuendo
MAGIX Sequoia
PrismSound Atlas
ALESIS Andromeda A6
Arturia Keystep Pro
Elektron Analog Rytm
Cafeo Fullrange speaker
M-audio MIDISport8×8
U-he Synth
Spitfire audio
Acustica Audio

JONMAKISHU interview
Who are the band members and what do they play?
JOn Makishu(pf,G) TIM Rock(Vo,G) Ben Desker(Vo,G) Pete Smith(syn,Ba) Roger ODD(Drums) Fxxk Coge(Machine) Add other
members by album.
How and where did you get together?
The band was formed in the 2000s when John Makishu, Tim Rock and Ben Dasker were attending university in Japan. They joined
San Francisco friends Pete Smith, Roger Odd, and Cage and named the band Tweet My New Gear, a nod to Japan's popular MNG tweets when purchasing products.
What are the band's main influences?
We were influenced by so many different musicians. BONJOVI, Pink Floyd, Yngwie Malmsteen, Massive Attack, Bjork, B'z, Jimi
Hendrix, Van Halen, Thomas Yorke
Have you played any notable gigs, festivals or other events? Likewise radio or TV appearances?
Not yet. we just formed
Are there any other interesting or amusing happenings – no matter how small – that the band have been involved with
that would be of interest to those who like your music?
We are not only musicians in a band, but also game creators. That's why I think people all over the world are playing the games we make. happy.
Do you have any favourable quotes from previous reviews of the band that you'd be happy to share?
Seriously amazing The music is MODERN and cool. The guitar that intersects with the song feels like Jimi Hendrix has descended.
Where was the single/EP/album recorded and who was involved in its production?
We debuted with two albums, "As Above So Below" and "As Within So Without." These 30 songs were mainly recorded at the
members' homes and nearby studios. Six members participated. Basically, Jon Makishu (JM) did the Desktop Recording, and our
style was for the members to improve the quality.
Is there a particular ethos behind the single/EP/album or any particular music styles or events that inspired it?
It was a mix of music that the members liked. In fact, I included a song I wrote 23 years ago. I fell in love with hard rock after I
discovered band activities with BONJOVI, and I admired guitar heroes such as Van Halen and Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd and
Hipgnosis, who graduated from art school and were always at the cutting edge of their times, have always inspired me.
Can you briefly describe what the song/each song is about? If you are releasing an album then either describe the
thinking behind the project or choose a couple of lead tracks to focus on.
The idea behind this project is ``Birth'' and ``A good harvest.'' I felt this idea strongly in the words used in the philosophy, "As
Above, So Below" and "As Within, So Without." What is happening in the universe is also happening within us humans. Or maybe
there are people similar to us in a parallel world living a slightly different life. It's a work that makes us ask ourselves, what is joy for
us in this chaotic modern age?
Were there any notable or amusing happenings surrounding the recording/production of the EP? As above, list whatever
might be of relevance.
The recording of this album was completed in one year. During that time, the number of people who support us has increased. The
reason for this comes from our band name, MY NEW GEAR. Especially in Japan, when you purchase a new musical instrument,
equipment, or electrical appliance, there is a ritual where you post it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag ``MY NEW GEAR'' or
``MNG'' and a photo attached. Our friends value that kind of culture. As a result of that, I asked an Italian guy I met on Instagram to
make music equipment for me.
Please provide a one or two-line personal quote that can be attributed to a band member, about either the band
themselves or the release. Obviously the more eye-catching this is the better.
JM was planning on putting all 30 songs on a CD. Because he's a totally analog human being.